
Tactical opening as white?

You should optimalt for e4 e5 and The cynbian Gambia with a4. Typical cybian lineup includes the move a4.
@Water_Flame Even if you use it just as a secret weapon, try Catalan Opening (Pawns on d4 and c4, g3, Nf3, Bg2, 0-0. Put rooks on c and d files.) The nice thing about the Catalan is that it can be as positional or tactical as you want it to be, and you can play it against almost any Anti-d4 setup by black. Obviously a little more theory is required to switch from 1. e4 to 1. d4 to know the ideas against some of the main black setups, but it's possible.

If you want something ultra-sharp with 1. e4, try Scotch Game/Gambit.
"Edit: and 1.Nc3 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4!?"
@no_bullet_thanks Yes that is one of the pit-falls that Black must avoid. There are a few on the path to a Sicilian as well e.g. 1 Nc3 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 (2...Nf6 is the precise way to reach most systems) 3 d4 cd 4 Nxd4 e5? 5 Ndb5 d6 6 Nd5.
Also to be avoided is 1 Nc3 f5? 2 e4
Once again, if Black plays the Open games, he should answer 1 Nc3 with 1...Nf6 2 e4 e5. White can then choose the Veresov instead, but Black must have this in his repertoire in any case. The one exception where Black is forced to play outside his normal repertoire is if he is both a 1 e4 e5 and a Dutch player. That said, I think the Veresov is harmless enough that one can comfortably play against it without theory.

OK. 1.Nc3 is quite a cheap suggestion, you are right. But your suggestion 2.Qh5 is not better.


You seem to have found a good variation already (Scotch Gambit, #3), otherwise i would suggest to again have a closer look at the Kings Gambit, which is underrated. Or, if this seems too scary for you, check out the Scotch main lines, which is probably the objectively best alternative to Ruy Lopez.
2. Qh5, the Viennna/Four Knights and the Veresov are probably all of about the same value, that is to say equal with best play, but with some opportunities to outplay the opponent even in the early stages of the game.
King's Bishop Gambit is also a decent option, but I wouldn't trust the objective merits of the Scotch Gambit or King's Knight Gambit.
I agree with the suggestion of the main line Scotch as the best alternative to the Ruy.
Bishop's Opening and Ponziani also belong in the category "no advantage but some venom against the unwary"
@HighlyCruciferous not that i know much about any of this... but e4 e5 qh5 is just a cheap trick used by people who dont know any other way to win. all the move does is either win in 4 moves or give white the risk of losing the queen or something
Did you read my post ? It has been played by strong players in classical games. One off the top of my head is Nakamura-Harikrishna. On this site, GM FunkyChess plays it almost exclusively. If you want to understand the ideas you should look at his games. Obviously it doesn't carry the pedigree of the Ruy or even the Italian or Scotch, but it rather fits the description of what the OP was looking for and certainly is not limited to cheap tricks. One obvious positional idea is to provoke the move ...g6 and thus the development of the Black Bishop to the less optimal g7 square.

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