
pieces disappeared

I was just play a game of correspondence chess and when my opponent took one of my pieces, three of them disappeared, including my queen. Does anyone know if this is a bug or is my opponent cheating somehow? If he is cheating I would like to report it.
Don't contact Lichess. You are playing an Atomic game... That's how the rules of Atomic chess work...

You might want to read and maybe be a bit more careful when creating or accepting a game.
Rarely, when playing on IOS, I am actually missing pieces at the start of the game. Usually it’s both bishops or both nights. The pieces reappear if I refresh the page, but usually I play as is and think if it as semi-blindfold chess.
Yes the atomic variant makes the pieces near disappear In that the opponent needs to capture the king by capturing a piece near it or by a Checkmate if you did not castle then the opponent would have won you may read for more

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