

Can a user be caught using engine if not reported by the opponent or others ???
It's possible, but chances are much higher after he has been reported.
I mean „cheat detected“ is an automated mechanism, in other words caught red-handed. Banning for life is a different story though, but yeah, it can happen as well.
Here is what makes me suspicious:
1) Change in timing between moves, normally it varies a lot and seems random. But if it gets real regular like 3 to 4 seconds each move, then the timing has changed. (Is the player is getting fed moves rather than thinking about them?)
2) Mysterious 2 to 3 minutes of thinking time. (Is this time used for a chess engine to perform an analysis?)
3) Vast improvement in play after 2 to 3 minutes of thinking time (chess engine did its work, are the results are being used)
4) Really unusual non-intuitive strong moves (this could be a good player.... but there is good, and then inhumanly good)

Now, these can all happen naturally, it's hard to tell from just one game. But if you play multiple games you get a sense of play style and start to notice patterns. Although really strong players have a wide repertoire of lines that they play.
As a player, I can play against the computer anytime I choose. It's more fun to play against other players. So if a player is using a chess engine, it defeats the purpose of seeking out and playing an actual player. I might as well just play against the chess engine knowingly myself. And if someone chooses to use an aide are they really enjoying the game or just interested in boosting their rank and ratings? If so, where is the sense in accomplishment if you know your score is artificially inflated?
There should be more automatic screens. Especially against fresh accounts with high rapid ratings and large discrepancies between rapid/blitz/lightning (or no games at faster time controls).
I had a game ended because there was a 'cheat detected' even though I was in a mate in one scenario. How do I contact Lichess about this bug?

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