
Is KB allowed?

I thought that KBs was blocked. I played with mouse, but someone player wrote me that I played with KB. Is keyboard allow?
Not allowed, not prohibited. I think it is variant of cheating
I have always had this question, ¿what is the lichess opinion in KB @thibault ?
Its an extension that allows multiple premoves and you can select a piece by typing a key and move it by clicking a square. It allows you to move faster. I think some of the objections to kb could be solved by having multiple premoves as a setting on after that kb would be less significant. Back to the original question, did have an update that temporarily disabled kb but the recoded it so its back. I use mouse so I enjoyed it when it was gone. In the ultra shield arena I got 2100 ultra and beat 2300+ in ultra before kb was once again in use.
I reuploaded kb like 7 times but I still can't play any game. Why is that?
you know lichess is not only thibault right ? you are part of it, me, and everybody. should we ban keyboard? id vote for not banning anything including engine cheat, so i'd say: nope.

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