
10000 puzzles done in a day! World Record!

@Akbar2thegreat said in #20:
> Wait! Aren't you on middle of the grade, I mean you entered 6th grade in April, right? Or is annual session going to over? I don't get it anyways.
I enter 6th grade in september, school ends in june.
Just checked that there are 197159 mate in one puzzles. Maybe one day, I can try to do them all in one day.
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@Akbar2thegreat said in #24:
> Not possible, it will take at least 137 hours without any break time.
Oops, I counted one digit less.
@BigTrustedCrabby said in #1:
> After many hours of grinding, and pain, its done.
> Was it worth it? No, not at all haha, but five digits looks cool :)
> If you want to try and beat it (I highly doubt anyone will), here are the rules:
> No clicking on view solution for each puzzle, and must try the puzzle.
> Puzzles must be rated, unrated puzzles do not count.
> Cannot do the same puzzle over and over again (If it works).
> You can choose a specific type of puzzle (For example, I did mate in ones)
> Good luck if you are going to try :)

First who do that was @SergeyVoronChess

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