
How should I think about breaking 1200 in Blitz

My great-grandma just got into chess during the pandemic and she managed to hit 1300. I wish I could share her advice, but unfortunately she can't remember what she did. Doesn't even really remember who I am, frankly. Anyway, you've got this
You have to blunder less. Time management 1 minute max on opening moves 1-15 (generally), 2-3 minutes for middle game, leave 1 minute for endgame if at all possible. Play with a 2 second or 3 second increment to avoid unnecessary flagging. Work on tactical themes and patterns- helps capitalize on blunders by your opponent, wards off your own blunders, saves time on the clock from rudimentary calculations.

Aha, after only 3 days of being subscribed to this thread I got to 1300!

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