
Chess Tactics: The Decoy, and Removing the Defender

Hello! Chess is a very exciting game, and I think one of the most amazing and beautiful parts is the tactics. Chess is no 99% tactics, but tactics and combinations are often what help win the game, especially against equal or stronger players.

Today I'm here to show you a game I played recently, against @FlyingLithium. The main part I wanted to show you was the decoy and removing of the defender.

Did you see the two white rooks lined up? I wanted to grab the pawn next to them and fork them, winning lots of material. However, the undeveloped bishop was guarding that pawn.

I decided to remove the defender by moving a pawn up. The slightly strange 24....g5! tricked my opponent, and he/she grabbed the pawn.

Now I could fork, So I won one of the rooks, and went on to win the game - with the two bishops. The checkmate wasn't really the main point, though.

What do you think about the move 24....g5 ?

Also, feel free to discuss any other part of the game.
Well played. Good that you saw the opportunity to fork the rooks. 24...g5 doesn't forcibly remove the defender so maybe you could call it hope chess. White took the bait though.

I know you were never really in any danger but you should try and castle before move 33. Keeps the King nice and safe and lets the rook on h8 join in on some of the fun.
For future posting of games...
By move 24 you were up two whole free pieces, a pawn, SF probably saying +20. 24... g5 was not the best, just another trick your opponent fell for.
What was with the 10+ takebacks? Truthfully, nothing to be learned even by the lowest rated player. Got something educational to show us ? Please do, but this game is really not worth the expenditure of time analyzing.
24. ... g5 was not a "tactic" and had nothing to do with winning the game.


It wasn't forced, but it was a bit of bait. Even if the bishop didn't take it, I would continue with my plans anyway.

The takebacks were from my opponent; it is casual after all. Do not assume I made 10+ takebacks in this game. Doing that would lead you to believe things that are not true.

Oh, and a fork is a tactic...
On move 13, I'm pretty sure you could have just taken the queen...
LOL 13.... NxQ. (a free Queen to boot!) Nice tactic.
Indeed. A fork is a tactic. Where is 24... g5 a fork ???

Point is your claim of 24... g5 was a tactical shot and lead you to winning the the game is ???
You were already two pieces up + pawn (and missed winning a free Queen) wins the trolling post of the week!
I think you are being a bit harsh to a beginner who is showing us his game and is proud to have noticed a tactical opportunity. You were all new to the game once as well.

I'm guessing @InnateAluminum took the queen but allowed his opponent a takeback to make for a more interesting game.

My opponent was not a very strong player, and I wanted to make the game last a bit longer, or it wouldn't really be that fun anymore. We are both novice players.

g5 IS actually a hoping move, but whether the bishop captures or not I have an advantage, and taking is a blunder, allowing a fork. That's what I'm pointing out...
An advantage ???
Holy macaroni. If only I could achieve such an advantage. My opponents always resign long before, before suffering further indignities.
It's true that you still have the advantage with g5, but if given a move that gives you more advantage and a move that just maintains it, why not choose the former?

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