
Try to explain the evaluation of a position

In order to better understand a position and its evaluation by stockfish, it could show the partial evaluation made internally by stockfish.

In stockfish source code in the evaluation file "/src/evaluate.cpp" there is the possibility to know each of the parts that stockfish evaluates. Line #878 std::string Eval::trace(const Position& pos) ...

Stockfish evaluates independently: Material, Imbalance, Pawns, Knights, Bishops, Rooks, Queens, Mobility, King safety, Threats, Passed , Space and Initiative.

It would be very interesting to be able to see these values at a given moment about the evaluation of a position.
In this way, two positions could be compared in a more understandable way by a person. For example, "This position is better than this because you have more initiative or because you have more mobility".

Cool! Exact!
I think it would be interesting if it were integrated into lichess.
Thanks for posting this topic Kalfch I find it very interesting how SF comes to certain conclusions. This lets me look how and what it values in certain positions.
I'd be surprised if Lichess integrated such a tool; keeping it current could be challenging, and Stockfish doesn't evaluate positions where a player is in check.

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