

If you have a FIDE Elo, you can compare the two levels.
Lichess rating is overrated. Source: my Lichess blitz ~500 points higher than my FIDE.
I believe if you are below 1600 on lichess your elo should be your lichess blitz rating minus 200-300 if you are rated higher than ~2000-2500 your elo is roughly your blitz rating if your blitz rating is 1600-2100 its little bit complicated but your elo should be 100-250 points higher than your elo those numbers arent real for sure but they should be ok
#5 No no no. Lichess rating is correct. FIDE rating is underrated ;)
I think that the difference between FIDE and Lichess Elo isn't constant. For example:
2300 Lichess ~ 2050 FIDE
1900 Lichess ~ 1750 FIDE
1500 Lichess ~ 1450 FIDE
1100 Lichess ~ 1150 FIDE
900 Lichess ~ 1000 FIDE
So, low FIDE ratings on Lichess become lower, and high FIDE ratings become higher. A formula that approximates this relation could be:
F ~ 3/4 L + 325
(L = Lichess rating, F = FIDE rating)

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