
[bug] [iPad] my clock kept going after I made my move

26. ... Rag8 { [%clk 0:02:43] } 27. Rf2 { [%clk 0:04:50] } { White wins on time. }

Playing on my iPad, after I made my last move I was waiting for whites. It took me a while to notice my clock was still counting down, when I did I kinda started to panic.

Trying to make a move I was given the little red pre-move warning. I closed the app and went back in, then left the game and came back (using the little chessboard button at top right).

I wasn't going to post anything about it since it just looks like I timed down, but I've seen other people talking about the same problem.
Something like this happened to me once, and it turned out that my opponent *had* made a move after mine, but somehow my mouse wheel had gone back one move to my -now previous- move.

So my browser showed my clock ticking, and the position as played after *my* move.

Took me a while to figure this out, and of course by then I had timed out :)

So no bug, but linked to be able to scroll the move list while playing. If there was a flag to turn this off, I would use it as I never scroll the move list (on purpose, at least) when playing a game.

Cheers, Chris
"So no bug, but linked to be able to scroll the move list while playing."

I disagree wholeheartedly. I say it IS a bug! There's no point in scrolling through moves in a live game. Who ever uses that?? Keep that for the analyze mode!
Even if 49% of users are using it (which isn't the case - I bet a million on it), I would consider it a bug that it is ON by default.

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