
McConnell Defense

That's not a short term blunder, but a long positional one, Ng1 can't go to his natural developing square f6, developing the queen to early. The best way I think is to play Nc3, threatens then Nd4, and later Nc7+
You can immediately play 3. d4. If he takes 3. ... exd there follows 4. e5. You win the pawn back eventually and have won a tempo against the queen. i.e

3. d4 exd
4. e5 Qg6
5. Qxd4 Qxc2
6. Nc3! immediately threatening to capture the queen by Bd3

For only a pawn you have developed most of your minor pieces and opponent only has moved around with his queen so far.

Otherwise you may take on e5 yourself, winning a pawn.

Another possibility is to play Bc4, then d3 or d4, planning eventual Ng5, putting immediate pressure on f7. Any point defended by the queen can be threatened by something less than the queen.
Thanks to all who responded. I think I'll stick to @Kalfch 's idea as this is what I usually do and it's what the computer suggests. @krasnaya Your plan seems strong but I really don't like playing a pawn down for development, unless I reallllly study that opening. And this is not that common so, And @Blundergus looking through the lines with this idea the pressure you put on black seems pretty far removed and giving him chances to develop himself and so something unexpected.
After Qf6 I'd go Nc3 with idea Nd5. This way of playing by black is of course illogical, but I'm not sure that there is a direct way to kill black here. So 3.Nc3 c6 4.d4 exd4 5.Bg5 Qg6 6.Qxd4 d6 7.h4 with h5 and 0-0-0 coming and white is up on development,initiative,space, you name it, black is in a big mess here but you'll still have to play the game and win!
The best continuation, as pointed out by Jeremy Silman in How to Reassess Your Chess, 4th Edition, is as follows:
3. Nc3 Nc6 (3...c6 4.d4! exd4 5.Bg5 Qg6 6.Qxd4 with an even bigger lead in development, here the queen is safe on d4 as c6 has been blocked) 4.Nd5 Qd8 5.Bc4 or 5.d4

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