
Does lichess have the vaccine for this wave of new coronavirus players cheating?

You have to be stupid to the nth degree, to answer after being branded as cheaters like you, I would also block your chat!
The problem is that cheating programs exist. And some human shits use them because they are unable to win.
I even saw on a forum some cheaters complaining that their "utility" did not work properly on lichess.
I agree and also noticed that because of covid19 more people come here. And of couse more cheaters.
what exactly is a cheating program and where do i get them? i play online all the time, and i run into rude jerks, morons, pretentious no it alls.............. never really noticed any cheating.
"wave of new c.v. players cheating"
The OP started in late February.
@KingGold If you weren't here before the virus, then how can you claim that there's more cheaters now?
@KingGold They will never kill LiChess.

A little advice: don't give them so much attention. That is all they can gain at Lichess, an imAo all they crave. Stop worrying about them, they get caught and taken out. Report them, or block them and then carry on with chess ... live ... chess - :( I forgot the difference ;D
Live ... chess.. is so much better if you don't worry about them. And - it is not so easy to detect them - lichess have very sophisticated tools to do it. I myself suspected cheaters, then found it was only me playing bad, and then Lichess refunded me some ratings I lost against cheaters I never suspected!

When you get obsessed with cheaters, every one that beats me starts to look like a cheater.
I guess I'm obsessed with all this attention you guys give them.

I am more concerned with rude jerks, morons, pretentious "know" (@pawnmulch :D:D) it alls - they might kill chess in general... nah they won't, they've been around as long as chess. Aggression is the name of the game ;/

more serious @pawnmulch: I'm using mine at the moment for a spell check, but you may hire it afterwards, we can discuss a rate.

hey, that's a cool username, I'll put that up for sale.
I was in a tournament last week when I saw the message CHEAT DETECTED and I was given an extra two points as I had played the culprit twice in the arena. He was questioned in the chat by his captain and admitted his guilt. Changing tabs too many times during a game will trigger this.
As a guy who was caught cheating myself ,I'll tell how I used to cheat on
I used their analysis board and whenever a player moved a piece, I moved the piece on the analysis board on a seperate window and took the 2nd best move for me, so to not give away my secrets to weak players.
I used this trick and gained many ranks initially but was caught for knowing the Icelandic Gambit and beating a 2300+ player who was a Patron and reported me.
Next day my account was immediately closed.
I regret doing my tricks and aim to improve my chess skills by plain practice.

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