
Rating changes for berserked games

I searched in the forums, but couldn't find the exact point that I am asking about. Apologies if I missed the topic.

Alright, my question is: if I berserk in a 3+0 Arena, I get 90 seconds. This makes it technically a bullet time control.
Shouldn't the game affect my bullet rating then? I feel this is much more logical, but I see the problems that it might bring.
If the opponent does not beserk, you would need to adjust different ratings out of one game.
My take is that adjusting the Blitz rating does lower the rating of frequent Arena players as berserking is a good strategy in tournaments, but it will change the 'wrong' rating. For example yesterday I berserked 38 games in a 3+0 and had a reasonable tournament result, but lost about 50 rating points in Blitz. Don't get we wrong: I am not complaining about it, I am just saying that my blitz rating is now substantially lower, and it was not due to a performance in Blitz, but in Bullet! Therefore if I play in a regular 3+0 rated game, I am not fairly rated from my opponent's point of view. This current way of rating the berserked games leads to Blitz ratings being lower for regular 'Beserkers' in Arenas.
Any thoughts?
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I see your first point, but not the second. If I berserk, and play 90 sec vs. 3 min, that is of course the handicap that I accept for getting the extra point. But why adjust the rating for a time control that I am not playing?! Even if both players berserk and play 90 sec, it's rated as a blitz game! This in mind is clearly questionable, isn't it? Your second point could be valid, if you view the Blitz rating as somewhat more 'valueable' than the Bullet rating. Not sure if people see it that way?!
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The "problem" disappears when you consider that the beserker can also use the opponents time to think and so the berserkers games are not bullet games. He just plays faster - and loses rating points for this reason.
@ChessExplained do you know that I berserked my every game so my Atomic rating is 1876 instead of 2352 and my racing kings rating is 2057 instead of 2167 ... Now don't be sad for losing ratings while berserking
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If both players beserk than it should be "bullet" rated, thats not even a question, but I also always thought that those beserk vs non beserk games should not even be rated, there isnt a fair solution for this problem as far as I see, if you rate is as a blitz game for 1 player and the bullet game for another that will probably cause some inflation/deflation simply becouse a player with more time will have a lot more chance of winning the game, let say if both players are 2000, regular 3 min game is 50-50, but if 1 player beserks than it probably goes somewhere around 70-30 for the player with more time, and becouse of that the player with more time will undeservedly increase there blitz rating while the bullet player will lose it, I dont know, at the end of the day its online blitz and bullet, maybe not that important..
Btw, Im a big fan of your work, when could we expect a release of your c4/Nf3 repertoire on chessable?
I agree that probably for Beserk vs. Non-Beserk there is no 100% correct solution, but maybe you could shift the 'both berserk' games to bullet to make it more logical. If both sides have 90 seconds, it's just a bullet game, not a blitz game.

Nf3/c4 is currently in the works. It probably will still take some weeks, I expect maybe September/early October as the release.
Maybe lichess should add some extra rating points if you win a game with berserk. Like 1 or 2 rating points extra. This would maybe adjust the rating a little bit. I also like berserking but you take huge risks if the opponent is 200 -0 points rated lower than you.
Like Christof said, after such a tournament your rating is like 50 points lower than it should be. For future opponents this might be a little bit unfair. It's also possible that you lose like 1-2 rating points more if you lose in berserk - of course only if the opponent has not berserked.

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