
I hate these kinds of people

While these people are annoying and have bad sportsmanship, posting the games in the forum is kind of public shaming. Just use (stalling is not allowed)
I agree that public shaming should discouraged and the whole thread should be deleted. By the way, your opponent did nothing against the rules, he has right to use his whole time, no matter how, sitting before the computer or sitting on toilet.
@qardis ur actually wrong. There was a lichess warning that he would be banned by just letting the clock go
This warning is rather stupid. I usually get it when I loose a winning position by time.
Also, hating people because of their stupid behavior is stupid. Christianity teaches to pray for them which is more reasonable.
@hawks123 maybe you should give him a takeback then. Since he asked for a takeback. It seems people like you care all about rating rather than a good game.
@qardis Calling people stupid who hate people for being stupid isn't very Christian. But that's okay, I don't judge you.
@clutchnutz Where did I call someone stupid? In internet, there is always someone who gets you wrong (and sometimes report).
I think the issue in the original post has been addressed, can we all calm down and move on now?

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