
what am I being punished for?

#8 Inot received any warning or something and in appeal also its only written that since u sandbagged ur ban cant be lifted nothing more then this.
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I accepted that also i resigned and got banned i created a new account @sundramnaam2sunahoga it got closed next day and then i mailed lichess then they reopened my @sundramnaam2sunahoga account and it was working properly afterthat. I also thought now no problem is coming if i play fairly then i dont get banned fof any previous reason.
Then why it got closed again without any reason.
I think it got closed as it was your second account but lichess does not allows to create multiple accounts.
#15 Yes i know lichess dont allow mutiple accounts but in mail i cleared all that this is my another account only after all verification they reopend it again.
But I cant understand the reason for 2nd time closing of my account.
I am with Sundram I know He Didn't did anything . if He Knows that I am not Winning and Resiging In a game and going to next game Isn't Sandbagging
i am also agreeing with @Sundram-MindStromer on this...according to me lichess is under straight pressure from a GM..which doesnt allow any fair play on this platform...his ID must be unflagged!!

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