

I don't think anyone besides wolf and a few other slow players will actually use that much time. My guess is it'll end somewhere around 30 mins a match or so, maybe quicker.

Though if you take your time you are more likely to win the match than lose if you and your opponent is fairly even.

@Link You are right. I don't think many players will use the whole time. The reason is because almost every players play e3 as an opening, which is a line studied by plenty of players. Almost everyone knows every variations of that move. It is become very redundant. That is why I like players like shadiiiii, who tries many different moves for an opening.
I hypothesize that the more you study and the more lines you know and the more ideas you have, the more time you need to play unless your opponent takes the game into a familiar position.
oh sorry @sportsment I missed your question... what do you mean by that? You will be given an opponent and you can agree directly with your opponent on the time/date when to play.
example: You have to play Pepsi, so you message Pepsi and you both agree that you are free on a certain day and time. It's good to let me know in advance when the match will be played so that people can spectate.
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