
redirect to another site

link to imgur:
how to use
1. click chose photo/file/video text
2. chose your photo
3. wait for it to load copy the post link and paste it here
enjoy once again
the mods cant help unless they see what is wrong also, upload your image files to wetransfer, and paste the tranfer link here, make a screenrec, and do the same thing for it on wetransfer.
ur link, mr burns
actually, no. instead of the link look at my game 2r1R3/5p2/b5kp/2rPQ3/2P5/8/q4PPP/2R3K1 w - - 8 37 (it's from today against a very strong opponent, for my level) and tell me if you find a triple repetition (it's a typical error of the engines but on this site I had never found it). add that a few minutes before I couldn't even launch a 5 minute game (the hourglass was spinning and spinning and you understand that on this site it's very strange, right?)

bye ;)
@pippo1234567989 said in #24:
> actually, no. instead of the link look at my game 2r1R3/5p2/b5kp/2rPQ3/2P5/8/q4PPP/2R3K1 w - - 8 37

This is not a game link, but merely a chess position. I guess it is this game:

> (it's from today against a very strong opponent, for my level) and tell me if you find a triple repetition

This is a perfect case of a threefold repetition. The position after Black's moves 32, 34, and 36 are exactly the same.

> (it's a typical error of the engines but on this site I had never found it).

I think it is rather a wrong interpretation of the rules or how things work, and is in fact working perfectly fine.

> add that a few minutes before I couldn't even launch a 5 minute game (the hourglass was spinning and spinning and you understand that on this site it's very strange, right?)

Sounds more like a connection problem.

As of now, zero strange things could be found with what you offered.
@MBurns2020 said in #5:
> get malwarebytes free and do a full scan and dectection remove malware really helped me
My PC freezed every time. Like when i was playing chess games on lichess or doing some other things, it just stopped/freezed. I couldn't find any malware, and I used avira and avast for that. Ended up removing them and other apps. Disabled all the startup apps (most of them). But coming to the main point, that freezing was so frequent that I was thinking on resetting the computer or even breaking it. I downloaded malwarebytes because of an article on electric. I ran a scan a lot, took a 14 day free trial but ended up uninstalling it. Just to try to solve the issue, I permanantly deleted everything in my recycle bin (6.75 GB). My issue got solved and now it runs smoothly. So, malwarebytes didn't do what it should've done since i told it to run a FULL scan, but no problems solved.
@pippo1234567989 said in #6:
> Hi
> malwarebytes is already active on my pc and there is no malware. in fact my pc works very well but if I try to access in lichess rejecting redirects by default, chrome lets me log in but blocks all game features (as if the site sent me a pop without asking me).
> in my opinion is impossible a google error so I fear the crack resides in the server which manages my geographical area (italian server?)
Did you try changing the browser?
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #27:
> Did you try changing the browser?
If that doesn't work, you can use NordVPN or ExpressVPN to try change your IP adress and server. If you want a free VPN, then try to use Proton VPN. It gives you access to these servers for free:
The Netherlands, Romania, Japan.
You have chances of other servers, but these have the highest chances of a free user getting it.
The original post was about a redirect to another site, which sounded rather strange. I have no idea what this has to do with ratings, emails, freezes, threefold repetitions and what not. So my suggestion would be to stay on the topic and try to resolve one problem at a time.
@pippo1234567989 said in #9:
> I can play on edge but I haven't activated the chrome restrictions and while playing the anomalies increase so I think they've cracked the server.

What does "activated the chrome restrictions" mean? Do you do something in Chrome to block part of lichess (maybe, and then complain that you're blocked?

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