
Why black is better in this position?

Black has no king pawns and computer says it is better +2
Black is winning because you blundered a queen
and black took the bishop with the rook beause a knight and a bishop is stronger than a rook
Even though black has no king pawns, Thw king is safe because you dont have much attack, and black has a bishop and knight for a rook and two pawns (If you take the rook this move), so black can initiate an attack with the two extra pieces now. (this is what i think)
Well, you sacrificed a piece for those king pawns, right? When you do that, you want to attack. Fast. After you play 13. Nxf6+ (You better take that rook, otherwise it'll become way stronger than your pieces) Qxf6, you lost your dark bishop and your knight, two of your best attacking pieces. It's going to be really hard to continue attacking after that, and now black has two pieces for a rook. And even though he has no kingside pawns, that also means he has more open lines for his remaining rooks. It's very likely that black will be the one attacking, if you're not careful. It's still a very complicated position, and I think it's hard to tell who's winning from a human's perspective, but black definitely has compensation.
@GoodELO said in #1:
> Black has no king pawns and computer says it is better +2
Here, Black has no pawns in his kingside but white doesn't have enough pieces to attack in the kingside. You have sacrificed your bishop and knight for a rook. You should not have played Bxf6 because after that Black get the advantage. Before capturing the piece, check the advantage of white is more than 5.0 and white could win the game easily. So, don't make this mistake again in your games which can make your win games loss.

Thank You,
you sacrificed a knight which is worth 3 points for a mere pawn.than you captured thre knight with your bishop.then black captured with his rook.though you can still capture the rook,the rook is protected by the in total for a rook you sacrificed your bishop and knight.thus the engine is saying that black has the advantage

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