
Kasparov spoke on Maradona. IDEA: Create a tournament dedicated to Maradona with chessfootball

Garry Kasparov spoke about Maradona. Why not create a tournament dedicated to Maradona? We can use the play mode of the football-inspired chess variant, which was created in 1951 by Joseph Boyer.
See the link:
Each player has the same pieces as normal chess, except for the pawns. There is also a neutral piece, the ball (any piece would do, like a checkers). The board has one more space for the goal, so it is 9x9 and not 8x8 as in normal chess. If you want to play on a conventional board, I would recommend omitting the king piece. The basic rules of this variant are the following:
• Parts cannot be removed.
• The ball is considered a neutral counter and will start in the centre of the board.
• The ball moves in the same way as the piece that owns the ball (for example, the tower can only pass or kick the ball vertically or horizontally, in no case diagonally).
• The ball will be considered in possession of a player when it is in an adjacent square of one of his pieces, being able to be in possession of several at the same time. Above all, it is important to understand that the ball can never be under one of the pieces, or on top of it.
• It is not possible to pass or kick through the pieces; these would block the ball, except for the knight, which can kick and go over these as in the normal game of chess.
• You can make up to a maximum of 3 movements, with the aim of getting the ball token into the opposing player's goal square to score.
• The goal may not be occupied by any piece in such a way as to avoid entering the ball, but it is allowed to move the pieces over it without ending their movement there.
• There is no space limit for a pass or kick, it can use the entire board if a piece is there or the opponent wants to "give away" the ball.
• Once the maximum of 3 movements for each player has been completed, the opponent must move one of his pieces to position himself adjacent to the ball to get his position or start directly with his 3 turns if he was already next to the ball.
There are no scoring or time rules, it can be played for 90 minutes like a normal soccer game, a specified number of rounds or a specified number of goals, at the choice of the participants.
What do you think?
At first I wanna have football-tournement dedicated to Bobby Fischer.

Maybe with Chess960 inspired rules, where positions of the players are shuffled and the goalkeeper must play as a striker for example
Make it a real thing, we will only know if it's any good once we try it in practice
How can I do it?
How can I generate a tournament using Chess 960 mode?

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