
800 point difference between Rapid and Puzzle Rating. Where to focus to improve the real game?

I am 1200-1500 rated in different formats. I can solve `2300 puzzles given sufficient time (5-15 mins per puzzle). However, in games, blitz especially, I miss very obvious tactics. Should I keep focusing on tactics? Where do you recommend a 1200-1500 lichess rated player to focus on?
@drmrboss Do you try to do puzzles at bullet/blitz speed? I find it very strange that 2200 player would be around my puzzle rating.
Im around 1300 and puzzle is 1850 or so. I focused less on tactics in my games, and went with the natural flow. I suggest 3 things for you.

1. Try to look at puzzles where you are missing tactics. In middle game, opening or end-game. Then got to puzzles on lichess choosing each topic bewteen the 3

2. Play more rapid games and just naturally improve(this is my strategy)

3. Analyze your games afterword and see where you missed a tactic or 2... or more. And learn from your mistakes!

Let me know if this was helpful!
you will improve more if you analyze your games. At least that happened with me
@MUMAnshul130105 Thanks for the guidance. Probably I am playing too much of 2+1 games which are worthless to analyze as they are full of blunders. Would move to more rapid ones. Thanks.
Puzzles are even more unreliable right now (just got a soft RD reset) to estimate one's playing skill than they are in general (puzzle rating = how good you are at doing puzzles, not how good you play chess).

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