
Temporary Ban for Time Wasting

@finlip #10

>> "I was afraid to think and find BLAHBLAHBLAH because I would have to spend a lot of time on that move and then as a result get a warning if I spend a lot of time on the second last move of the game and I forfeit on time."

>> "I am just talking about the AUTOMATIC WARNING players have been getting INTENDED FOR players running down the time on their clock which has ALSO ATTRIBUTED TO to those losing their connection."

... and ... yet ... your connection was solid enough to start another game at similar speed/pace as your previous game. (Just before coming here to the forums to make note of your own lagging speed between games.)

Have I missed something? (A few seconds, maybe? Nothing like having 3:02+ on the clock after the first few moves in a 3+2 game...)

So, instead of making a few rapid moves to gain some clock time to continue thinking, you resign. (Good play.) And then you come here to the forums worrying about something irrelevant, after-the-fact???

I'm confused. Which is it? You can play fast? Or you play slow and complain about concerns over time-constraints in rapid games when you're under time-pressure? (Which is it, pick one, please.)

What's that old saying about selecting your respective time-control?

You needed more time? But you didn't have more time? So you resigned? And now ... what??? (Because you were concerned about other ancillary factors, and you handled it properly by resigning to avoid impropriety???)
In the past, not in this game, I have had a game in which I had about twenty seconds on the clock to make one move that mates. But my connection went down and I couldn't deliver checkmate but instead ran out of time. I also received an automatic warning saying that letting your clock run down will result in a temporary ban.
In this game, there was no connection problem that I could detect even though my connection is always on the slower side. I thought I was mated and resigned immediately and as soon as I resigned, I saw that I was actually winning. I should have spent more time on the move and I would have if I didn't want to avoid that automatic warning.
My connection is never good and it has lost me several games and rating points but I can't complain about that. I can just hope that the website can be more flexible about lag compensation, at least in non-tournament games.
These automatic warnings are also okay. I am also aware that I am not guilty in any of these time wasting bans that have been issued automatically by a computer and when a human checks it he will realize it easily. I was just suggesting that maybe these warning messages could also take into consideration the connection of the player in question.
I don't even mind if my opponent lets his clock run down after having lost the position. I signed up for that time control and I can wait patiently. I myself never let my clock run down, I either think or play on or resign in lost positions.
So, a warning is a warning and not a ban. It has always been there. So you prefer the secret entries in your profile?

Once again: there‘s no need to complain or to argue because nothing severe will happen in such clear cases. Just ignore such automated messages as they have no substance.
CM @Sarg0n "So you prefer the secret entries in your profile? " What does that mean?

Actually, I was just sharing an interesting position and making a suggestion to improve the server. I have no complaints.
@finlip @MrCharles @Sarg0n

Okay. Look.

First off, Finlip has less than 175 forum posts; compared to the near 2500 between the two of you, Charles & Sarg0n

I say this, as Fin is not the average forum 'troll' just making shitposts to bellyache.

He brought what was to him a valid concern about a 'new feature' on the site; that was causing a adverse reaction to him and his playstyle.

There is absolutely no reason to berate someone; and attack them simply for the lichess feedback section. I mean how dare they?

I do understand; which is why I clarified this is not the average person trolling the forums.
NOW; on to the actual issues at hand:

#1. Charles; you dont play much antichess; if any; so you dont seem to understand:
SO Many times you can be in what absolutely no question looks like a 'guaranteed loss' and if you just move the right piece or get your opponent to move the wrong piece you instantly turn it into a guaranteed win. Anti is strange.
The a lot of 'high end' games with very high rated people can have multiple lost checkmate sequences between both players; due to running confusing lines against each other, and playing absolutely perfection against a really weird line & when you are playing blitz/bullet/ultra anti is incredibly hard when you end up confused due to quick TCs and weird plays by the opponent.
And; from his statements; the added stress of something he perceived a threat to a possible temporary ban could cause more confusion.

#2 for @Finlip

The temporary ban warning for letting time run out; as well as the warning you receive when you abort a game without playing:

Has 100% Always Been a Thing

The server; or whatever method they use; tallies the users aborts & time loss [probably via a formula with the time left / TC or something] to see if the user merits a temp ban.
Obviously; you never received a ban before due to this; and you still never will.

So to clarify: Nothing is New Except the Warning Message. Before; you would only receive a message AFTER you received the temporary ban. Now; you get warnings. But, if you receive such a warning do not ever pay attention to it. The system knows what you are doing. I'll eat my hat if you ever receive a temp from playing the normal way you play.

This is really just a deterrent meant to dissuade the people who intentionally let time run out; and make a habit of it.

The devs need to tweak it so this message does not show up so 'willy nilly'; as you can see it in the 0+2 anti games if you let like, 5 seconds run out mid thought; which is just silly lol.

Long Story Short:
Totally Ignore it Fin
Its so Nice to Be Nice

#1 #15 I've actually raised a similar complaint in the past, and just yesterday I felt rushed on move 1 (to avoid an auto-abort) and thereafter played quickly out of inertia:
Thank you for your post @DollaHollaAtcha
The game in question was however standard chess and not Antichess.
Actually, I was probably just trying to share the blame for my loss with other factors.
@DollaHollaAtcha -- You made a good point and arguments.

I'm still going to call out anything even closely related to whining and complaining. See my #11 comment, citing follow-up explanations from @finlip

Yes, I know I can get on people's nerves with calling things out for what they are. And, provoking that follow-up in this case helped make my point. I'll take into account what's said, and what makes sense; but I refuse to let people get too far into the whole "oh, poor me, cry sympathy" routine if I see it taking shape. -- I'll also point out that in a few instances, people have called me out where I've skipped-over some detail, or put me in my place, and I turn around and issue an apology. That's not the case here.
I am sure @MrCharles did not understand what I have been saying in this thread. It may be that I didn't write it properly or that he didn't pay enough attention, smelled something foul, and just came out lashing trying to get on my nerves. He even dug deep into other posts made by me. I don't mind anything.

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