
Some advice here?

Hi all.
What kind of advice can you give me here??
i lost this game, and of course after a certain moment everything falls.
But what should i consider? Any kind of advice?

Thank you

Center board and pieces around king after castling r too weak positionally
9 Nde4 only helps black as it helps with his kingside expansion. Rb1 intending to expand on the queenside is better. Even Nd5 intending to recapture with the pawn and pressuring c7 would have been better.

10 Recapturing with the pawn is better to slow black's plan.

13 a4 prevents your best plan. Rb1. Notice that your bishop attacks b7 and your pawns point toward the queenside--this suggests that your plans should be on the queenside.

15 f4 creates a weakness on e3.

Generally speaking, you played too passively and created many weaknesses. Every pawn move after move 12 was an error.
I dont understand some of your knight maneuvers, such as 21. Ne2 - 23.Nc3. You seemed to waste a lot of moves on pointless waiting moves. Capturing back on 26. also gives black a tempo, instead d5 may have been better
8 Nd2 you play a developed piece for the second time, while other pieces are not yet developed. Moreover the whole manoeuvre Nf3-d2-e4 is aimed to trade Nf3 with Nf6, so it is a loss of 2 tempi. Moreover, black wants to move Nf6 anyway so as to play ...f5.
10 Nxe4, you recapture with the knight, but it will be chased by ...f5 which black wants to play anyway. Better dxe4 intending Nd5.
10 Bb2. The bishop will stare at the own pawn d4 and abandons the protection of your weak pawn e3. Better cxf5.
21 Ne2 and 23 Nc3 cannot be right: loss of 2 tempi. 23 Nf4 makes sense of 21 Ne2
I often have problems against this position so this is quite iffy advice.

4. Nf3 looks wrong, it's blocking your white bishop and it's not going to be able to advance because black's bishop controls its central squares. It allows castling but there's nothing threatening your king, or even threatening to threaten it.
5. d3. I would play d4 there to block the black bishop and slow it down. They'll play c5 to dislodge it but you can ignore that, make them capture it and then make them move their own pawn out of the way, so you gain three turns in exchange for one turn and one pawn. Is it worth it? ...maybe.
6. O-O. There's no reason to castle here, the king isn't threatened. In fact, you've taken away the threat of pushing the h pawn forward with the rook behind it against black's trapped king. I'd prefer either Nc3 to block the black bishop, or Bg5 to make it slightly more awkward for black to move his knight and e pawn. Bg5's kind of insisting on saccing an exchange somewhere but I think it's worth it.
8. Nd2 I'm not keen on, I think the knight's more powerful with access to g5 to threaten king safety sacrifices. Clearing the pawn is good, so maybe just move it to g5, or h4 with extremely minor pressure on g6. Mostly so you're not moving from blocking one bishop to blocking the other.
9. Ne4 is very bad for you, black always wants to push f5 here and you're giving him a free move to clear the knight out of the way. f4 would probably be best, get something into the middle of the board to break up black's pawn fortress. Possibly Nd5, which would still clear the f knight but would have tempo against the other knight and would allow for e4, wedging the e5 pawn in front of black's bishop for even longer.
14. Rb1 is weak, the b pawn doesn't want to advance into black's a pawn so the rook's just as useless on b as on a. I think f4 is best, with gxf4 if captured (open rook line against the king), d4 if e5 is advanced and e4 if he ignores it. You need to start moving pieces forward on kingside where black's king is.
16. Qc2 makes your queen less threatening. f5 is defended four times, your queen doesn't add enough, and taking her off black's queen file makes any file-opening pawn captures less threatening to black. I'd say e4 right away, let black pull the d pawn to the e file and get your queen running. (Nd4 gets Be3, because your black bishop's biggest dream at this point is killing that knight.) Alternately, with black's b pawn unguarded you might do b4 and get your b rook moving.
17. b3 is too defensive, you need to be aggressive. e4 or b4 again I'd say.
18-23. You could have captured the d pawn in any of these moves before the knight reinforced it and it would have forced black to recapture with the pawn, breaking up his wall and making him use pieces to guard pawns. I'd say 18. cxd5 with tempo against the knight, and then 19. fxe5, with 20. d4 blocking both of black's bishops for a good while (or inviting a knight sacrifice from black to clear it, which I think would be okay.)

Those are the moves I see (again, I'm not great against black's position here). Generally, the biggest problem was you were moving your knight and your queen pretty aimlessly; the knight especially was constantly blocking other pieces without any plan for advancing.

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