
Extent of Improvement

@greysensei said in #8:
> I think the OP forgot to specify the age of the hypothetical person. This is a huge factor. Improving at chess is like learning a language - much easier & faster when you're young.

Let's say about 15, in the middle of child-adult

Then I'd say that person has a good chance to at least get a title (maybe not GM), but gotto really start studying and playing a lot now. The brain is still developing fast but with every passing year it slows down a lot. Obviously a lot depends on innate talent too.
@greysensei said in #8:
> I think the OP forgot to specify the age of the hypothetical person. This is a huge factor. Improving at chess is like learning a language - much easier & faster when you're young.

This is a misconception. Learning a language is actually easier and faster as an adult. Children take a very long time to learn language, 8+ years, whereas an adult can become fluent in 4 years or less. The main difference is that adults can take advantage of what they already know as well as formal learning methods, whereas children need to pick up the language without instruction.

Chess is under a similar misconception. In order for an adult to become a GM without playing as a child, they would need to drop everything and devote their lives to chess for many years.

That just doesn't happen.

By the time you are an adult, you have a job and you have hobbies and a social circle and none of that involves chess.

A child, on the other hand, does not need to pay bills, does not have a rigid way of life yet. They are expected to have an interest in games and the narrative of a child chess prodigy is well known. Such a child would receive support and encouragement.

And to top it all off, the child has many more years of vigorous life in which to study chess. A new learner at age 20 must face rivals the same age who have been studying for 14 years. The amount of time is more important than the period of life in which it occurred.
It depends on the age. A child a couple of years, an adult probably never.

Actually I have devoted a couple of times the 10.000 chess hours within 30 years and look where I am.
I remember some people one person as an example was rated around 1685 or about 200 points above average ELO RATING . He had played 45 years & was trying to reach 1800 he was and is of average intelligence . ALL OF YOU responding other than the CM & NM probably have played either ZERO Tournament Games in your Nation LIVE at the board because of The Pandemic & need to play 200 games over the next two years to see how you do . There are some here also that don't study enough heh' & win games on time but guess what ? Tournament games LIVE OVER THE BOARD are won ON THE BOARD as there is an Increment also . Yes I won games on time when there was no Increment in my Life but also have had Adjournments many years ago also who cares ? You need to PLAY OTB hundreds of games & Study as well & come to lichess to improve GOOD LUCK especially if someone is AVERAGE IN ANY FIELD OR ENDEVOR Getting to the TOP
@ThunderClap said in #16:
> You need to PLAY OTB hundreds of games & Study as well & come to lichess to improve

I don't see why you'd need to play OTB games, except that it's a small disadvantage going from a 2d board to a 3d board because it's more work to process the visual information on the 3d. But that's not a huge thing.
First of all a chess player needs a couple of million of dollars to just focus chess. Also, to raise fide rating he or she have to travel a lot to get to the tournament venues.

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