
Loss or win?

I have no idea if this is a loss or win, lichess classified it as a loss, what do you think?

I ran our of time but same sec I won.
The game clearly ends before the move as black is not in checkmate at the last move
You were white, you ran out of time so your opponent won the game.
Oh, it played the winning move on my screen but when I checked the game it didnt
#1 For about 12 turns in a row, you missed checkmate. As you mention in #5 it sounds like you timed out while playing one of the winning moves.
I wasn't really looking with 1 sec left lol, also for a tiny bit I forgot it was atomic lol
#7 Yeah... maybe consider playing a time control which gives you time to think.
Yup, then again there are people who think in ultra, me not one of them

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