
[Feature request] Board coordinates inside every square


I am fairly new in chess and I find very difficult for me to learn board coordinates. I am aware there is already a training designed for this, but I would like to learn coordinates while playing.

I tried to add a custom background to have board coordinates inside each square. (here is the background I made for white side :

However I couldn't have it change for when I am black.

So I would love to see Lichess implementing a way to see every coordinates inside their square. I am sure that will help a LOT of people here.

Thank you
This should help you to learn coordinates:

As for custom background, you can use Stylus with userstyles. You need two backgrounds, one for white, which you already have, and one for black. Then you can use these styles:

.is2d .orientation-white .cg-board {background-image: url("https ://") !important;}
.is2d .orientation-black .cg-board {background-image: url("https ://img-with-coords-for-black-at-the-bottom") !important;}

Replace second URL with correct link and remove space bettween https and : in both URLs.
Btw, if you only want to change background while playing and analyzing add lichess_game class, i.e.:
.is2d .lichess_game .orientation-white .cg-board

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