
I am a 1700's Player, Please add me for Practice

I am just now beginning to learn the basics of Chess and am working very hard to improve. I have several books I am reading and will begin Chess coaching with an IM friend soon. If you are rated 2000 I might win 1/7 games.

Here is one of my games showing my ability to lose the opening, gain control and blunder the middle-game, trick my opponent, miss the forced mate, and still win.

Yeah because chess is using your brains not cheating and copying.
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I am not forcing you to do it.
Playing Classical Chess will improve your blitz games. I normally play 15+15 if you can see my ratings my Bullet is terrible, Blitz is decent, Rapid is better, and my Classical is pretty much my normal range. USCF I am 1541 in Classical games which are all from what I believe 30 Minutes no seconds added, and a 75 Minute Game with a 5 Second Delay. The more time you give yourself to think will improve your chess much faster. I have only been playing for just under 2 years, and the best way to learn is Books, Puzzles, Classical Games, and Instructional YouTube Videos.
Couple Tips for Instructional YouTube.
Saint Louis Chess Club
John Bartholomew

Books I recommend IM Jeremy Silman his books are really good especially for 1500+ Rated Players he is doing the more advanced Tactics and Strategies in most of his books.
Thank you for the replies.

I am not looking for suggestions on how to get better.

I am looking for players to add me to their friends list so we can practice with one another.

The game above is me winning against a 1944 rated player in Blitz so when I say I am just understanding the basics I mean winning against players under 1700's is easy for me, winning against many 1800's players is easy for me, winning very rarely against players 1900-2200, and losing to 2100+ almost every time.

If you are 1700+ we can play fun games and if you are under 1700 add me anyway and practice goes both ways.
I will give you a few books to get specific to your needs. Pandolfini's Ultimate Guide to Chess by Bruce Pandolfini.

Jeremy Silman how to reassess your chess, complete endgame course, and Amateur's mind will get into some advanced stuff. The book of complete chess game strategy is pretty good as well.

All of these books go into advanced chess mechanics.
Thank you for the suggestions. I have twenty-three Chess books right now.

I am looking for players to practice with

"winning against players under 1700's is easy for me, winning against many 1800's players is easy for me"

It's the 1400s you gotta watch though , we don't mess about. It's refreshing to see someone so humble as you. Most beginners act like they know it all. I hate that.

i like it that Never Been is a patron of lichess. I am not (yet), but lichess is such a great site.

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