
Can I make a Swiss tournament?

If you're a team leader, you have the power to create a swiss tournament for your team. Hope that helps!
I don't think so, I think you are only able to make swiss tournaments for your team. Only if a player joins your team, then they can play in the tourney
Swiss is a problem, players don't complete the tournament and leave others paired with them waiting.
If you do make a swiss then you want a team to kick them off the team if they miss behave like that. @DylanRoersma

What if, you put the created casual tournament link in your profile and then send it to your local chess club (school or work) or even the local newspaper. Do you think it will help get players playing in that casual tournament event?

Can Anonymous players play in a casual tournament without logging in?
If they could what would be the pros and cons of doing such an event?

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