
Swiss tournaments are on Lichess

#451 #452 There were server issues 2,5 hours ago (4pm GMT), I believe this has little to do with the Swiss tournaments.
So I ran a swiss tournament with a small prize fund and After the first round, we were unable to continue because it said we had 7 games ongoing, (still says that) even though all the games were done. - Screenshot.

Not sure what the reason is, for now I switched it to an arena tournament but in the future I hope I will be able to run Swiss Tournaments!
Thank you!

@thibault if we could get clarification it would be great.
There were several issues in our Swiss tournament..

1/ one game which was won by mate gave both players 1/2 point..
2/ after the 3e Round and the pause of 2 minutes the server halted with pairing of new games..

Succes with the repair!!

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