
Advantage of two bishops

Someone thinks that the two-bishop advantage in chess was invented in the gloomy 19th century, in an era of admiration for materialistic science. Someone thinks that this advantage is imperceptible at the level of amateur players. For those who still doubt the superiority of the two-bishops, I advise you to watch this game.
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@Knight04 #2
If you noticed, I made two moves with pawns away from the king and did not lose.
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@Knight04 #4
Quote: I meant when defending. It's OK to do that when attacking.
Answer: I played with the h2-3 pawn to get rid of the pin. If this is not protection, then prevention. And I made a move with the pawn g2-3, defending against the threat of mate to my king.
Ya i mean knight04 is right you should not move the f or g pawn when you are castled short You can push the g6 pawn i f you are sure you can put your bishop on g7
@PrathamOne #6
In this game, the movement of the pawn worsened the position of the black king, but this did not fundamentally change the assessment of the position - the position of black was bad and became even worse by half a pawn.
@ujcn this isn't exactly the superiority of the bishop pair...
your opponent hung a pawn and after that his position began to scatter down
If after 15.Qc2 we put the Bd3 to e2 and the Nf6 to e6, then the position is even because d4 and c6 are equally weak. In positions with pawn weaknesses it depends very much on the placement of pieces.

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