
What's the closest thing to real magic?

Maybe the word "sorry" or "I'm sorry" or anything else related to these two words. This plays an important role in every quarrel. Often the quarrel gets cleared by saying "sorry" or apologizing to someone.

If I get into a quarrel, if the mistake is mine, I immediately apologize as I don't like to quarrel a lot. And there's nothing shameful thing to apologize. (I said that last line because I got to know that from someone's quarrel, that people often feel ashamed to even apologize!)
@Sid1410 said in #9:
> Though as per me magic does not exist I mean there are things we do not know but the magic tricks magicians show its maybe science or some tricks that they have mastered.
Oh well, yes but no. Magic tricks affect our subconscious mind, not our normal conscious brain.
Maybe bringing clinically dead people back to life (Yes, this has happened before).
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
-- Arthur C. Clarke
@chummer said in #14:
> Any sufficiently advance technology is indistinguishable from magic. Hahaha
> -- Arthur C. Clarke
Because No one knows how we start
We only have therories
I would say magic is by definition something that breaks the usual rules of what seems possible. So physics seems like a good candidate.

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