
Black Openings - Caro Kann

I'm a new player and most of the time I am behind on black for the first 20 moves against 1000s but ahead on white against 1400s (Im 1240ish).

I'm trying to learn Caro Kann but every single guide I find only focuses on the advance variation. Please link a good guide or help me for if they take or redefend their pawn.

And what are some other good openings for beginners for black?
Have you tried 1.e5? It's the best for beginners, you'll sometime fall into some nasty traps but you'll get to practice tactics everytime.
I think 1...e5 is best for beginners. It's pretty flexible and like Noobforlife said it you get to work on your tactics pretty much every game.

And if you really want to improve I think you should start playing more slower games. I went from 1200 to 1800 just by playing mostly correspondent games for a while. Do that and puzzles and I think you will start to improve quickly.
I've looked at a few of your games, and I saw you've had some success with the King's Gambit. Based on your opening choices for white, it seems to me that the Pirc defense may be worth a try for you. With 1...e5, there are a lot of lines you need to be aware of (Vienna Game, Ruy Lopez, Spanish Game, Scotch Game, Center Game, Danish Gambit, King's Gambit, etc.). With 1...c6 (the Caro-Kann), you won't find the same vicious attacks that you see in the King's Gambit. The Pirc defense (1...d6) is flexible, and it allows you to quickly develop your pieces to active squares.

Ideally, you want to play d6, Nf6, g6, Bg7, and O-O as quickly as possible. After that, you should focus on developing your other pieces and targeting your opponent's weaknesses. Having played 1...d6, your light-square bishop can quickly join the attack, the queen's knight won't be far behind, and you'll be ready to start something. I used to play the Pirc, but I don't play as aggressively as I used to. As such, I abandoned it in favor of the Caro-Kann, which is more solid, but not very aggressive (at least not in the same way).

Here's a Wikipedia article on the defense:
I made 4 study about the caro-kann using the book from Lars Schandorff.
Commentaries are in French but if you have any question you can still ask me in PM.
Caro-Kann is a reasonable choice. There are sophisticated books but „Starting out“ (Gallagher) worked well for me.

This is a forum meaning you will be advised to play every possible opening which exists; such questions lead to nowhere/everywhere.
In the book "My first Opening Reprtoire for black" from Vincent Moret were all white main openings covered and you get for everyone of them a recommedation. From there you can look, what you want for yourself.

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