
Na6 against d4?

Hello everyone, I just played a nice match were I won with some ease against d4 using Na6. My opponent didn't played badly, he mayed some errors but in a kind of complicate position.
Is Na6 a solid defense to d4?

WildChess04: Nice game. In my opinion, your early Na6 really had no bearing on the outcome. The center was closed, so the advantage he could've gained was never realized and white wasted just as many tempi as you did going Na6-b4-a6-b8-d7-f6. You more or less won on tactics not relevant to the opening.
Theoretically, no. But as GM Ben Finegold often says, theory works in theory but not in practice. Or is it the other way around?
Na6-c7 is a common maneuver in some Benoni structures to support the b5 break. It is not particularly good to go for it this early though. The game itself transposed to a Czech Benoni structure where black lost a tempo by playing both e6 and later e5. The opening had little to do with the outcome of the game, you should study these structures with the locked center (e4, d5, c4 vs e5, d6, c5) to play a stronger middlegame! Cheers
Thanks @Smokecraft for your comment! I'll start studying many structures from d4, specially the lock center that is a structure I like a lot ;)
GOOD this move seems random. but it is good i just need to learn it properly than use it in a chess game Against a LM or GM n crush them
@J--p Like someone said: Theory is made to point the more popular lines, not the best moves. When theory finishes at an endgame, it's the end of chess!

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