
Move the resign button

I clicked the moveconfimation button three times, and I resigned instantly since the resign button spawns where I miss tripleclicked on "ok" on move confirmation.
I agree with you cuz some players sometimes spamming the move back so you press the resign button by accident.


Get a better mouse. Don't triple-click. Change personal settings to require double or single click. Get a better browser. Get a faster browser (or, computer). Close some tabs and don't bog down your computer or browser.

Generally speaking: Don't complain about things you have some reasonable degree of control over. It's worse than people who complain about the rules or features they don't like -- because the problem is on your end (your own end-user habits; nobody else complaints about things they obviously have control over).

PBKAC -- Problem Between Keyboard And Chair.


PBMAC -- Problem Between Mouse And Chair.
Don't you think it's curious that the resign button is under the confirm move button?

I am not salty, sorry if you are mistaken, it's a small design caveat that is not really that important to me.
But it cumbersome to some people if you disagree that's fine.

If you don't like the feedback that also fine.
Also didn't know the feedback section was only catered to rules and features people don't like.
Thanks chesstroll, I used the style editor and it worked.

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