
About "training"

Agreed with @achja I'm bad at bullet and blitz because I have poor connection some times, and I play with my laptop mouse LOL... but my rapid is fairly good.
The training rating is the most useless rating here for several reasons:
1. the puzzles have errors in them
2. one can cheat in several ways.
But of course one can solve them for fun, but the rating means
next to nothing.
@VolleLeistung: The errors are very few and far between. All of the puzzles are found automatically by an engine, so the vast majority won't have errors.

As for cheating, you could say the same about all of the other ratings, with the possible exception of hyperbullet time controls (but then it's more about mouse speed than chess anyway).
Yes but its absolutely easiest to cheat in training without even a fear of getting busted. As to the errors, the puzzles have so many, especially double solutions. I hope they fix them so that the rating would be a bit more meaningful for those who are honest at least.

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