
Can you find the right reply to Bxg6+?

I didn't, missed another correct move too and ran into mate continuation. Luckily my opponent missed it and decided to sac his Queen and to forfeit on time.
You should capture with the pawn, but this is a blitz game...
I would probably have played Kxg6 myself to keep the block on white's pawn.
@laatikko #1
Kxg6 looks very dangerous for black, exposing the black king (fxg6 makes sense), and Stockfish shows +2.6 white is winning.
33.Kxg6 34.Qg3+! (First I thought Rg8+ Kh7 Rg7+ Kh8 Rg8+ was interesting but SF shows that white loses) Kxf6 (Qg4!) 35.Qe5+! +-
Yes, Kxg6 is dangerous and a blunder, but for some reason I thought Re7+ and f7 looked dangerous too. So instead of looking at the position having 44 sec on clock I hasted and hoped there was some lucky escape route for the King, lol.

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