
Reason for Rc1?

r1b2k1r/ppp1q2p/2np1p2/2bB4/4P3/1Q3N2/PB3PPP/R4RK1 w - - 3 15

At this position computer is showing Rc1, what purpose does this move serve?
What does a rook do on a semi-open file? Pressing against the piled-up pieces. Bxc6 followed by e4-e5 and Rxc5 is in the air.

General advice: play it against the computer, it will show its ideas quite unpretentiously.
[FEN "r1b2k1r/ppp1q2p/2np1p2/2bB4/4P3/1Q3N2/PB3PPP/R4RK1 w - - 3 15"]

15. Rac1 h6 16. Bxc6 bxc6 17. e5 fxe5 18. Rxc5 dxc5
19. Nxe5

is this the desired position?
15...h6 is bad: weakens square g6 e.g. Nh4 threatens Ng6+.
There is no need to capture 16 Bxc6.
White can steadily improve his position.
There is no need to rush with 17 e5, 18 Rxc5.
On c1 the rook is obviously more useful than on a1.
Bringing rooks to open files is basic good practice.
i played h6 just as a passive move, to see what Rc1 does if correct move is not played
Yeah, we need a feature like "zero move" for demo purposes.

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