

Guys, i have got a HORRIBLE glitch, plz tell me how to paste screen shots from snipping tool to lichess
Why, on the screenshot, did you colorize a conversation so we're not able to see it ?
Do you have something to hide from your girlfriend ?
@Xtronplayer1234 said in #1:
> Guys, i have got a HORRIBLE glitch, plz tell me how to paste screen shots from snipping tool to lichess
If this is a glitch, (the link above shows (@)Rahulsaimon) then idk
If you have used the inspect element (sus ending) then chips ahoy is gonna knock on the door
@Tony960 said in #6:
> Why, on the screenshot, did you colorize a conversation so we're not able to see it ?
> Do you have something to hide from your girlfriend ?
It could be you.

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