
Should you allow tale backs?

My ethos is if they deliberately fallen into a trap no. But if the move the king one instead of castling yes. What do you think?
Is it a "tale back" when they tell you the tale of the bad mouse which slipped?
No takebacks in rated games! switch it off and you will never have problems with it.
In the faster time controls especially, avoiding mouse slips under pressure is one of the many challenges to contend with. If your opponent makes such an error, it's because they're trying to get a time advantage over you; therefore, there's no obligation to allow takebacks in rated games.
I have takebacks turned off even for casual games. If I make a mouse slip I just accept it and try to make the best of the situation. I also blunder pieces and expect my opponent to take full advantage. Unless you are playing a game for coaching purposes I see no value in takebacks whatsoever.
I allow takebacks for mouse slips, that's just fair. There's no analogy of a 'mouse slip' in offline chess and I don't want to win because of it.
i never allow talebacks, however I allow takebacks if twas a mouse slip or they will lose anyway. Otherwise it serves only to encourage careless play.
Well, then compare Blitz and Bullet to other computer games where fast thinking and rapid acting skillfully is dominant: "Oh, I missed your head, may I have another try to shoot you?"

Of course you can play with takebacks - but then deep inside yourself you know that you play worthless chess for sissies.
I think you should only ask for a take back if you are prepared when granted to move the same piece as would happen in a mouse slip. I really hate it when you grant a take back and the opponent moves a different piece.

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