
Your favourite moderator on Lichess

@george_mcgeorge said in #40:
> On what basis are we voting? I mean, like who's got the best username? Or who is the most infuential? Or who is the most helpful?
Buddy on what basis are political leaders selected by citizens?
~ Who can handle nation well.
Similarly we are here for selecting moderators who are most efficient in moderating at Lichess as how we feel.
@ Akbar2thegreat said in #41:
> Buddy on what basis are political leaders selected by citizens?
> ~ Who can handle nation well.
> Similarly we are here for selecting moderators who are most efficient in moderating at Lichess as how we feel.
Alright, @ anonmod it is, I guess.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #41:
> Similarly we are here for selecting moderators who are most efficient in moderating at Lichess as how we feel.

None of them. I vote for myself.
Vote for ProgramFox as it is a cool username others username are also good but I just picked it up first and @Akbar2thegreat I can’t vote on the basis of the best moderator as I never had an encounter with one
@Akbar2thegreat said in #45:
> Haven't you seen their posts in which they are talking to the OP (and others)?
Is that option also on lichess the latest thing I discovered was forums
@Namithechamp said in #46:
> Nope
> Is that option also on lichess the latest thing I discovered was forums
I mean when one creates a thread and some mod responds then we can see the thread will also posts. Mod may not use their mod eye identity when replying in non Feedback thread so to know their actual features of their nature we should assess them on basis of all types of their posts.

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