
Time Expiring vs. Resigning

I'm new here, and early into a match the fire alarm in my building went off for a couple of minutes so I had to leave. When it was clear that there wasn't a fire, and it went off by accident, I went back to my computer and saw a few seconds left. I let the time run out and saw a message that said that letting time run out instead of resigning could result in a ban. I explained to the player(Inacio) what had happened, and he was nice enough to play a rematch. Do I need to explain what happened to moderators so I don't get put on a warning list or something like that?
Playbans are automatic and duration of the ban increases with each new infraction.
Anyhow, this was a warning. If this doesn't become a pattern then there is nothing to worry about.
The warning is annoying because it requires to resign a winning position. Simply ignore it.
Nope, reasoning in #3 cannot be correct. Depending on the circumstances (i.e. if you have the time to do so), explain the situation to your opponent. Depending on position and sportsmanship they might offer a draw. If not, just resign.

Of course, if you have to leave immediately (e.g. fire alarm) just leave immediately and explain to the opponent later.
Why should I resign if I have a winning position? I suppose letting time expire is fair in this case, and the warning should be ignored.
Why would you let your time expire when you know that you cannot finish the game because you have to leave? How is letting the time run out fair to the opponent, regardless of the position?
@M0r1 Be fair towards a flagger and resign to him? This is funny advice, or we are talking about different things.
We are probably talking about different things. I am talking about this: I started a game, during the game I have to leave (boss comes, wife comes, important call, whatever). It should not happen, but now it happened. No matter what the position is, if I am winning or equal or losing, I will ideally let my opponent know about my situation, that I have to leave. Then maybe my opponent offers a draw - great - or they do not (their choice, especially if they think they are winning). Now I resign, because it is not the fault of my opponent that I have to leave.
Sure. I am a slow player, and I am trying to use at least 10 seconds per a move. 10 seconds is more than enough for the infamous warning to appear if my time runs out. That is why I consider the warning inadequate and ignore it.

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