
Community Feedback Makes It Work

Once every 6 months it might make sense to publicly sum up the anti-cheat program:

"Cheating in online chess is at a minimum, especially here at Lichess; however, that doesn't mean that we don't spend 1000s of hours investigating claims and banning accounts.

The only reason that we can't get them ALL, the only reason that cheaters exist at Lichess, is-because-they-have-not-yet-been-reported.

So remember, if we do not take time to report suspicious accounts, then the cheaters become the symptom and *WE* become the problem.

If you think you have suspicions about a player, please take time to report them.

We have a dedicated anti-cheat division that will thoroughly investigate your claim.
We depend on lll*> YOU <*lll !!

Simply click the player's profile to report them (picture and arrow).
Select "cheat", and copy the URL link of your game into the message box (picture and arrow).

Their account will be reviewed and handled accordingly (picture and arrow of successful report and refunded points).

Big thanks to everyone for your efforts!
We could not be what we are without you good people helping to make us what we are.

Lichess Staff"


Something to this effect, front page for a few days every 6 months, Lichess inbox messaging, whatever, wherever. Out front. Visible. By everyone.


The fact is that the community is not participating in the anti-cheat program anywhere near the amount that it should be and could be.

Some is unwillingness. Most people just want to play and don't really care if they play a cheater here and there.

But some is unawareness. People would gladly start reporting people here and there a little more if they understood the value of it.


They need to understand that the prolific anti-cheat efforts of the Lichess admin all begin with them reporting a player, and that it's possible ONLY because of their reports.


Just building this awareness a little bit might greatly help increase productive reports and subsequent bans.


I make this recommendation on two points:

1. Several of my last few reports have literally been banned within minutes.

One implication that explains this, is that Lichess has more than an adequate amount of anti-cheat staff, and therefore any number of players before me could have also reported the cheater and had them expediently banned as well.

Of course it's also possible that this cheater was banned because of a report from 1-2-3-4-5 days prior, regardless of my report.

2. If someone has been cheating for 50 games, it shouldn't take someone to come along on game number 50 and finally report the account.

*The amount of times that this has occurred is far too many to explain a 'good faith' effort by the majority of the community.*


Just a simple community reminder that 'reporting suspicious players is important and that everyone should do their share' is all that is needed.

Obviously we don't need a 3000% increase in questionable/frivolous/hard-to-prove reports;
but at the same time, the evidence bares that the community is erring too far on the other side with inertia regarding reporting suspicious players.

I think that we're simply not aware that the only thing that creates "-1 Cheater" is "+1 Report".


Just a suggestion.


Regards, and keep up the spectacular work!

Thanks for your time.
#1 Sorry that I'll ignore your main point as I lack a response to it.

"1. Several of my last few reports have literally been banned within minutes. This implies a more than adequate amount of anti-cheat staff..."

That's kind to say, but Lichess provides no guarantees and over the years I've seen as many compliments as complaints.

"2. Many of my reports could have been resolved by people that played the cheater before me..."

Ditto about making assumptions; as a developer, I can't guarantee anything. Surely whenever actual cheating occurs players must be reporting their opponents, otherwise we wouldn't have so many Q&A and discord questions about how to do that...
You said: "#1 Sorry that I'll ignore your main point as I lack a response to it."

You lack a response to, "The Lichess anti-cheat division is only as strong as the community's willingness to report suspicious players"?

Interesting...I wonder why that is?


You said: "That's kind to say, but Lichess provides no guarantees..."

Lichess' anti-cheat proficiency and efficacy is already proven.

All talk about "guarantees" is a complete non-sequitur.
They've already proven it.

No amount of obfuscation or gaslighting will change this fact.


You said: "...and over the years I've seen as many compliments as complaints...."

This is to say what...

That every imbecile with a keyboard has the same amount of validity, objectivity, sanity, character, intellect, general wherewithal, or braincells?

1 keyboard, 1 vote?

I'm missing your point here...what are you trying to say Toadofsky?


You said: "Ditto about making assumptions; as a developer, I can't guarantee anything. Surely whenever actual cheating occurs players must be reporting their opponents, otherwise we wouldn't have so many Q&A and discord questions about how to do that..."

What assumptions are you referring to?
You can SEE when people have not reported someone.

This isn't implied or inferred. It's an obvious matter of public record who has not reported players.

No amount of obfuscation or gaslighting will change this objective reality or how it relates to the objective analysis that I took time to present.


Look at the logic:

The same people complaining about rampant cheating have never reported a suspicious player. We see this routinely. It's the norm.

Even if it was the outlier, this fact would be significant.
The fact that it's the norm MEANS STUFF.

X amount of the victims before me, that played the same cheater that I played, didn't report. This, too, MEANS STUFF.

It is completely factual and salient to say that "The community could be more involved than we are. We could do better. We could and should provide a 'good faith' effort. We could better help the Lichess admins better help us."

Therefore we have:

Statement of Fact A: The efficacy of our anti-cheat is directly hinged on community participation in reporting suspicious players.

Statement of Fact B: The community could be more involved than we are. We could do better.


Do you see how Statement A and Statement B relate to each other?

Plain and simple.

No amount of obfuscation or gaslighting will change the way that these facts relate with each other.


Implied Solution:

So the suggestion is one of simply boosting awareness regarding the simplicity of reporting players. This appears lucid enough to be considered, does it not?


I can only suspect why you want to appear to "find contention"...

Be all that as it may, thank you for your input, Toadofsky, you've given me lots to think about.

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