
Best OTB move I have ever found.

I was playing OTB and super needed a draw. I was in a dreadful position 4 pawns down. My knight was trapped. So what do you do in such a position? Find the trickiest move and hold on tight! I have checked the position pretty in depth with Komodo but not lichess sf so I do not know if it will find the move or not. This game was a rapid game 20/d5.

5n2/3bB1pp/4p3/3kP1PP/1P3P2/5K2/1P6/8 b - -
I played...

1... Ng6!! 2. hxg6 hxg6 3. Bf8 Bb5 4. Bxg7 Bf1 5. Ke3
Bb5 6. Bf8 Bf1 7. Bc5 Bb5 and draw was agreed.
Actually nearly every move draws. After giving the knight back you have a drawn ending of opposite-coloured bishops. Easy drawn is for example pawn to g6. After h6 you just wait on with the bishop on the e8-a4 diagonal. If he pushes f5 you take it with the e-pawn -> draw.
After Bxf7 though it becomes much tougher. I would have to play more accurate than I needed to in the game. But you are right moving my bishop does draw. Still my job becomes tougher and I don't want to make it harder than it is.

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