
I tried my best in this game, but lost. I NEED HELP!!!

Hey friends, I am desperately in need of a suggestion here. I have been playing a correspondence game (1 day/turn). I played my moves after lots of thinking. I had my plans and strategies. I played utmost carefully, analyzing each and every move I made, looking sharply for any bad move of my opponent to punish. I was playing the best I could. BUT STILL I LOST! I had no option but to resign at move 28.

Please friends, give me your insights on this game. Why did I lose, where do you think I need improvement?

6...e5 loses a pawn for no compensation.
I don't get 6 e5 either. Why would you try to break open the centre of the board when you have only developed half your pieces?
@tpr But I knew I would recapture the pawn later. See the twelfth move (12. ...Nxe5). We had equal material. I lost a material on 18th move when my opponent took my most important pawn with his bishop (18. Bxg6) and I could do nothing.
@maxdribble Ok so that's the problem. I should have developed my pieces first before 6.. e5 No wonder why engine was suggesting 6... Nc6
@absk-kr-singh #5
It seems to me that you have not drawn conclusions from this game. In order to capture the white pawn e5 and level the material, you made a couple of moves that were useless for development, while your opponent, opposite, developed his pieces and at the same time attacked, as if hammering nails into a box. You were defeated quite deservedly.
@ujcn I've never thought this way. Piece development is must before attacking.

I have another confusion here if I may ask you, does this rule apply in openings like Sicilian where black plays multiple pawn moves while white gets fully developed?
@absk-kr-singh #6
Any developing move is better than e7-e5. But there is also an ideological move c7-c5! The idea is that Black does not consider White's move e4-e5 to be dangerous for himself, and in this case starts a counter-attack on White's far-advanced pawns.
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