
Advanced search in played games archive.

Is it possible that a feature is added that allows users to search through their pasts games by ECO code?
I'm not sure about ECO codes, but with my page you can make a custom Javascript based search.

This link will search all your games played in the Ruy Lopez:

It seems that you only play the Ruy Lopez as black, as white you prefer the Italian game.

I made this happen using a Javascript condition on your opening moves:

game.moves.match(/^e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5/)

This little ^ hat in the pattern says that your game should begin with those moves.

You can play around with the code, modify the opening moves and search for other openings you play.
I think it helps if you first open the page ( because I see from the logs, that it has no hit since I made my post ).

The link had to be shortened, because it contains the code url encoded.

If you are frightened by such links, than try the basic link without the code:

Then in the Code box instead of "true" which selects all games, enter:

game.moves.match(/^e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5/)

Then press the GRAY "Search" button ( because the green one will create code from the widgets and overwrite your code ).

Original code:

Changed code:

thanks! I really appreciate this.
I don't know if you work for Lichess or not. But this feature is really good, and if it can be added to the advanced search tool for played games, I think it has far more utility than many of the other search criteria on there. I mean, I don't know of anyone who remembers things like clock increment or duration, or even number of turns played. But most people remembers what opening they played, and who they played against.

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