
A boring London game

Played a London game with typical moves.
5 0 game, 0/0/0, 9 acpl.
Study with my thoughts.

Game (click on the blue link for Stockfish analysis) :

why do you never post your analysis of games which you've lost, achja?
@orionchess #3
I shared this study to share my thoughts, hoping that it would be useful to beginning chess players, and because I was happy that I noticed the 7th rank weakness, a tactical idea which I could have overlooked rather easily.
I am quite sure that from time to time I do post games that I lose as well, but my losses often don't encourage myself to share them with enthusiasm.
And I also posted embarrassing things.
Here a stalemate game against 2500+ where I still had enough time in the game, but felt hasty because of my berserking and premoving opponent :

Ok man, maybe u're right. Lets play a few games somehow?
In the last 5 or so moves you broke open the back rank and your opponent resigned.

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