
Should I even play chess at this stage?

Ive been losing almost all of my games, 6 games lost in a row, Im back to 1500s, used to be in the 1600s. At this point im already doing self harm because of the loses ive been going through. I feel like throwing my computer at my opponent so hard.
Take a break from chess. Pretty sure everyone has come to a certain point where they think they should stop playing cause of such a bad losing streak, in which case carrying on playing won’t do you much good.
Take like a day or 2 away from chess, and come back refreshed is my advice.
I agree with Laminator, taking a break for a while could do your rating wonders.
1) Strength levels here is dependent on what time you play. When I play other equally ranked players from my time zone I tend to win more often, however players ranked the same from other countries tend to be stronger. So maybe this helps? if not

2) take a break and analyze your games, and make some puzzles out of them. After that, do a run through of 100 puzzles on training. But always start and try to end with a run of puzzles from your recent games. This will help break bad habits and you will start seeing moves from different perspectives. I can't stress enough and reiterate some advice that was given to me that helped me progress faster ...."try to do 2 hours of tactical training a day" you may not have time for 2 hours but any time that you can dedicate to tactical training before and after matches will help solidify what you learned and help you retain it.

3) I myself just recently fell off from my peak rating, however I also took a couple days off to get some work done and then follow the world chess championship. Sometimes you just have to get back into the rhythm or the groove.

4) Remember to breathe, its just a game. You may not be able to control emotion and feelings (which you are entitled to) but can remain in control of your actions. Try not to throw the computer and refrain from anything distasteful in your chats (I'm not saying you have, just suggesting you remain true to the ethics of chess despite your frustration).

5) Be willing, and eager above all, to learn. We learn from mistakes, be it our own or those of others. So analyze analyze analyze. I usually see a dip off before another long growth spurt. Its usually an opportunity for me to strengthen my last weakness in that level range to break through a new barrier.

I'm ranked below you, but this advice has all been given to me when I had questions and when I had frustrations. Every time I follow this advice I tend to get positive results. Good luck to you, I've been there... in fact I deleted an account with over 500 games and friends out of frustration from this very same type of deal.... eventually I put my big boy pants back on and made a new account and I am more eager to grow.

Hope this helps, and good luck to you!

Okay, I will take your guys advice and stay away from chess for a 2 days.
Not sure what you meant by 'self harm' but if that is physical, you need to ask someone (counsellor or doctor) for some help. There's no embarrassment in speaking to someone if you are in a bad way.

Chess is just a game
Analyze your losses. See why you lost. See what to do te prevent repeating the same mistake. Learn from your losses.
It's easy to lose game after game when you are tired or emotional. Happens all the time to me. But remember, rating is nothing but virtual numbers on the screen. Enjoy chess, it is what matters.

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