
The 3 Only personalities

Many people believe that there are 7 personalities which are: Delta, Zeta, Beta, Theta, gamma, sigma, and Alpha.
But I think there are only three (excluding hybrids).

The three are:
Introvert, Beta, and Alpha.

Now I will explain those three starting with...

An introvert is a person who feels more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and feelings, rather than what’s happening externally. They are not necessarily shy or quiet, but they may enjoy spending time with just one or two people, or doing solitary activities.

Beta personality is a common personality trait that is characterized by avoiding leadership roles, being easygoing, reserved, friendly, and loyal. Beta personality can apply to both males and females, who may also be caregivers and followers. Beta personality is not necessarily a bad trait, but may lack initiative and seek external validation.

An Alpha personality is a set of characteristics that include a strong sense of self, determination, conviction in beliefs, ambition and the desire to work hard, resilience, a desire to be in control, confidence, and seeking out challenges. People who are perceived to have an alpha personality are those who have dominant personalities. They are usually outgoing, ambitious, straightforward, highly intelligent, and successful.

These are the main personalities (in my opinion).
BUT, there are also hybrids which are VERY important. To know more about hybrids, you can check out my latest blog.
Also, you can know more about the other personalities in my latest blog.
And, if you want to know MY personality, you can... check out my latest blog.

Have a great day and night!
- @ThePracticeGuy
You seem to be suggesting that most personalities belong to fraternities.
Theres 633 people and everyone is a clone of them
@ThePracticeGuy said in #1:

If you define personalities as a 'number', then there well always be 'exact' numbers on the spectrum before which one personality is defferent than after. And if you define the influence on the number to be
openness to leadership=number, you get the system you have now.
That would imply you could not have common ground on both ends, meaning no person is both alpha and introvert. Are you sure that is the case?

There is no other way to approve/disapprove with you, noone has defined conciousness or personality, although I am not experienced in the field, I am an introvert out of belief that any time spent on the outside is time lost for furthering my thoughts. Instead of wild gestures and big words I like to say few with deeper meaning. Or in other words, better make my absence felt than my presence noticed. This leads me to say few and take less leadership roles. Am I then really a person who cannot be ambitious? Does a personality influence the thinking process or is it the other way around?
@teachmewell said in #7:
> no person is both alpha and introvert. Are you sure that is the case?

No, because I am an introvert and an alpha, just wait for the blog to come out.

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