
CrazyAra - Publication

Dear community,

we are excited to announce that a preprint of our paper about the neural network engine CrazyAra is available on arXiv:

The publication is also accompanied with a full re-implementation of the MCTS search in C++.

CrazyAra was initially started as a semester project and exclusively learned to play crazyhouse based on your games.
It was first launched on on September 7, 2018:
using a full python backend.

@CrazyAra will be hosted for one day starting from Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:00 (UTC):
an will be using our new efficient RISEv2-mobile architecture.

Later the same engine with a different neural network @CrazyAraFish will be online for one day starting from Wed, 21 Aug 2019 14:00 (UTC):
The neural network for CrazyAraFish was first trained on human and later fine-tuned on Stockfish self-play games using the RISEv1 architecture:

You can challenge CrazyAra(Fish) to a crazyhouse match in the blitz or classical time control format.
Moreover, both engines will be playing other engines (e.g. Stockfish) primarily at the end of their up-time.

The source code and binary release for Linux and Windows (CUDA/CuDNN, IntelMKL) can be found at:

Good luck at your games and we hope you enjoy reading our paper,
~IQ_QI (Johannes Czech)
<Comment deleted by user>
Congrats to the achievement, and thanks for the info, will be an interesting read.

At the risk of asking a question that is answered in the paper, how much gain in performance/nps did you obtain from the re-implementation of the search in C++?
Thanks for producing the world's #1 crazyhouse engine, and congratulations on the publication!
Many thanks for all the good wishes and your excellent work on multivariant Stockfish.
For the re-implementation, CrazyAra experienced a nps increase of about a factor of four and in some positions by up to a factor of ten on GPU in the case of a high usage of the transposition table or a frequent visit of leaf nodes.
This is partly based due to a faster node selection process on CPU within the search tree, but also due to an overall revised search design structure. Being able to integrate the fast and well tested move generation of multivariant Stockfish greatly reduced overall workload and will also be valuable to extend the functionality of CrazyAra to other variants in the future.

In a small regression test, I did a while ago using a given opening suite, this resulted in an Elo improvement of ~288:

[TimeControl "180+2"]
Score of CrazyAra-0.6.0 vs CrazyAra-0.5.1: 42 - 8 - 0 [0.840]
Elo difference: 288.06 +/- 151.10

50 of 50 games finished.

There is still room for speed optimization and adjustments of (hyper)parameters in the next upcoming version.
Great work, congratulations to all involved!

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