
[Feature request] Using keyboard for selecting pieces

@thibault, there is a little bug with inputting moves with a keyboard. When I write SAN (Ra6) before my opponent has made a move, it executes, but if I write UCI (h6a6) (as a premove), it doesn't work. Also writing h6 (or anything like this) only selects a piece on my turn, but when it's my opponent's turn, it doesn't select the piece. This makes premoves only possible with Ra6 (SAN) type of input, but when there are two possible moves (for example, Rh6-a6 and Ra8-a6), we have to use UCI (h6a6), which in this case doesn't work:

Also even Ra6 executes a move not as a premove, but it just executes it right after an opponent's move, which takes approximately 10ms (with usual mouse premoves it's 0ms). Would be cool if keyboard input worked as usual premoves too.

What I'm thinking of is a userscript which would do this: I press "R" (rook) and click with the mouse on a6 — this combination writes "R" + "a6" ("Ra6") in the field for keyboard input, and it executes.
The disambiguation notation for your example is Rha6.
It's annoying that redundant disambiguation is rejected. If it were allowed, I could just write Rh6a6 without checking if there were any other rooks that could move to a6 - or indeed, without even knowing how rooks move or which side I'm playing!

UCI notation also doesn't allow you to input your move in a single step, which can lead to accidental pawn moves if the piece on the from-square doesn't have any legal moves.
A case where you cannot safely type a premove (leaving aside the question of how much time you lose): suppose it were white's turn in the above position and the pawn on a7 were white.
If white promotes, Ra6 is ambiguous
If he doesn't, Rha6 will be rejected
could I ask for what reason you two are typing in moves?
To input moves faster and more accurately.

I've since switched to programmatically clicking the squares.
Have you found a way to programatically pre-move zhouse piece drops? Would like that feature.
@Chresstroll_Ingot Yes, and I've created a new account to test it. Lichess has already asked me to confirm my title (bullet > 2400). :)

@Flourish Yes.

I'm going to clean up the code and implement a couple more features before releasing it.

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