
endgame tablebase statistics wanted

It is great that you've solved 7-or-fewer-man chess. But the results (over 100 trillion positions) are a bit much to digest. Even for most computers they are too much to digest. So I would like some summary tables that actually can be digested.

About the simplest possible suggestion: for each material combination (e.g. KBBPknp) I would like to know how many wins with white-to-move, how many draws, & how many losses, and ditto with black to move (that is 6 numbers in all); and I'd also like to break the wins and losses down further into "shallow" wins & losses, versus "deep" ones, so you could count the number of wins in 1 ply, 2 ply, 3 ply, etc (distance to resetting the 50 move counter or mate).
All that could be summarized in just one, rather large, but still human-readable, table.

The shallow/deep suggestion is important for this reason: We want to know whether some endgame is "normally" won for white. There are a lot of silly positions where obviously
some men are en prise or quickly capturable, but I do not consider them "normal." We can get
rid of the vast majority of the silly cases by restricting attention to wins where the distance to
conversion exceeds, say, 6 ply. In that case the remaining "deep" win/loss/draw statistics, if we count them, will pretty much tell us the truth about the "normal" status for each endgame type.

A bit cleverer suggestion: Note that a position could be either win, loss or draw with white to move, and ditto with black to move -- which considering both at once, is 9 possible kinds
of positions. It would be interesting to count all 9 types. (There also is a 10th type, "illegal position," which you may or may not want to count too.) So for example, if whoever moves loses, that is the most-extreme kind of "mutual zugzwang" position, and of course it is interesting to count them.
Thanks Vetinari_Computer, that comes fairly close to what I wanted.
One improvement would be to also provide counts for the 9-way classification I mentioned.

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